Flourescence in-situ hybridisation is a great advancement in technology
because there are fewer chances of a miscarriage, the parents receive faster
results, and the tests are easier to do. In the future, FISH will be able to
decrease the chances of a miscarriage by using samples of maternal blood
instead of amniotic fluid. The problem with amniocentesis is it uses a hollow
needle to take fluid from the mother's uterus. The needle could damage the
developing fetus if not inserted properly. Another advantage of FISH is that
the parents get a much quicker test result than amniocentesis. After the
sample is taken, amniocentesis can take up to three weeks before a test can
be administered. With FISH, a same day result is given, which is much more
convenient to the parents. Additionally, FISH is a simpler process. It uses
specially prepared molecules which bind to specific regions of DNA. To find a
particular gene, the examiner just looks for the flourescent coloured molecule
that bonds to that specific gene. In amniocentesis, test cells are cultured
for three weeks and then tested. The chromosomes are then counted manually,
and compared to a chart of normal chromosomes. This can be difficult, as the
tester is looking for an extra chromosome 21. So because the test is much
simpler, quicker, and reduces the risks of miscarriages, flourescence in-situ
hybridisation is an incredible discovery in the field of genetics.
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