Medical technology has seemed to advance enough so that doctors are able to perform brain transplants. So far this procedure has only been successfully performed on animals, and now doctors hope to perform this procedure on humans. I believe brain transplants should not be performed at all, and especially not on humans because of the numerous problems and side effects that could arise.
Even though brain transplants can be successfully performed on animals, this does not mean that it will be successful with humans. The human brain is much more complex than the brain of animals, so there will be many more complications during surgery. For example, the healthy brain that was removed could have been damaged in some way without the doctors knowing it. It would also be very difficult to attach a person's brain in a different body because of the millions of neurons that send and receive messages to and from all over the body. It would be almost impossible to reconnect every single neuron, and without them a person could not function normally. Many psychological effects are also possible because the human brain is so complex. Our brain makes us who we are, and with a different brain we would no longer be unique. A person with a different brain would seem to be a total stranger and in many ways they would be. Hopefully these dangerous side effects will convince doctors not to perform this pr
ocedure on humans.
The advancement of technology can be very beneficial to everyone, but I do not believe that this medical technology of brain transplants will help anyone. We were all born with one brain and through childhood to adolescence our mind developed into who we are. No one should steal our identity from us, even if we are seriously injured, and change it to a completely new one. Also for the people who have died with healthy brains, that was their identity and it should not be given to anyone else.
Another problem with brain transplants is how can doctors choose what are "healthy" or "normal" brains. An elderly person who has died would have an aged brain that would not be as efficient as a younger person's brain. Then would doctors have to find healthy brains of the same age as the person who needs it? This could also bring up other factors such as intelligence, gender, or physical problems that a person might have had before death. Also another problem might be with the period of time a brain can be kept "alive" after death and how it can be kept "alive" without damage. Overall, my feelings about this surgery are that it should not be done on humans until doctors have overcome all the problems and obstacles that stand in their way of making brain transplants with humans successful.
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